航發協會(A.C.D.A.),其前身為「中華航空發展協會」,於2015 年重組後發展至今,為航空公司及航太產業認可的專業培訓及人力資源提供機構。

主要提供: 飛行機師、空服地勤、飛機修護、無人機證照培訓及就業輔導,持航發協會結訓證書可優先錄取至合作的航空公司及航太廠商工作。為精進學員職能,航發協會也同步提供國際證照及學位接軌服務,以增加學員的職場競爭力。

  • 協會宗旨:推廣航空證照培訓、多元就業輔導,增強航空人力資源。
  • 協會願景:建置國際航空資源整合平台,成為航空產業取才及培訓首選的培訓機構。
  • 經營理念:誠信負責、客戶滿意、永續發展。
  • 協會使命:提供全方位的航空就業諮詢及培訓服務,為產業提供優質人才,成為航太產業發展的後盾。
  • 航發協會希望學員能透過本會訓練機制達到:訓練證照就業接軌、持續提昇航空職能,增強個人競爭力,達到個人及企業的目標 !


航發協會20年前即致力於發展國際認證訓練課程,是美國 Pacific States Aviation飛行學校澳洲國立航空技術學院(Aviation Australia)澳洲(SCU)南十字星大學航空學院的大中華區總代理,提供的國際航空證照訓練包括飛行機師、空服地勤、飛機修護及高階航空管理人才等,是唯一整合航空資源與專業的航空訓練機構。

航發協會除與知名國際航空訓練學校合作外,更與國際相關航空產業結合,如與波音航空人力公司合作飛機修護人員的人力媒合,和S.A.A.Air Asia(亞洲航空)的美國航空貨運城合作案。航發協會提供華航長榮集團星宇航空公司,及國防航太產業: 漢翔航太亞洲航空人力資源服務,共同開拓航太發展及飛機修護的市場及能量。



1. 飛行機師證照/學位+就業輔導

2. 空服地勤證書/學位+就業輔導

3. 飛機修護證照/學位+就業輔導

4. 無人機證照+就業輔導

5. 航空管理證照/學位+就業輔導

6. 航空人力就業媒合


台北總部辦事處 台北市中山區中山北路二段46號6樓

台中分部辦事處 台中市西屯區台灣大道三段540號3樓

高雄分部辦事處 高雄市前金區中正四路211號15樓

台東分部辦事處 台東縣台東市鐵花路82號

ACDA (Airline Career Development Association) Profile


ACDA (Airline Career Development Association) is a well-known organization established in 1995, composing of 21 board directors including high-level government officials, airline company shareholders and managers, university and college chancellors, vice chancellors, and legislators.

As our board directors are mainly from the government, A.C.D.A. also fulfills an important role to help Taiwan to build un-official diplomatic relationships with other countries.

We have established and successfully maintained our relationship with the aviation field in Australia since 2000 and we also represent Flight Training Australia, Aviation Australia in Taiwan, Australia Wings Academy, Airways Aviation, while we also have assisted Swinburne University of Technology and Griffith University to deliver Master of Aviation Management courses in Taiwan since 2002.

The Association delivers and coordinates high quality aviation related training, among in Taiwan, Mainland China, Australia and U.S.A. ACDA has established close links with leading aviation related training providers in Australia, and U.S.A. It has worked with a range of Queensland companies and institutions to assist Taiwanese students to pursue an aviation career. This includes pilot and cabin crew training through to ground staff and maintenance support. ACDA was recognised for its outstanding contribution to strengthening aviation links between Taiwan and Queensland at the 2008 Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Awards Ceremony in Taipei.



ACDA’s primary responsibilities include:

  1. Offering professional trainings to the students who are interested in airlines companies (including pilots, flight attendants, ground staff, and maintenance personnel) and provide articulation programs with the international institutions.
  2. Providing in-house training courses and updated information to airline companies & travel service companies.
  3.  Aviation magazine publication.
  4. Human resources improvement and development.
  5.  Co-operation with government projects and developing seminar programs.


Over the years, ACDA has worked with a number of aviation related training providers throughout Australia, and U.S.A. We look forward new alliances with more international training providers and schools committed to first-class aviation education.
Our partners include:
► Southern Cross University   
► Southern Queensland
► Australian Wings Academy
► Airways Aviation
► Aviation Australia
► Flight Training Australia
►Sierra Academics of
Aeronautics (U.S.A.)
► Flight Safety Academy (U.S.A.)
► Pacific States Aviation
► IATA(U.S.A.)


Working closely with International Aviation Education institutions in Taiwan, ACDA runs monthly seminars promoting aviation training providers to potential students. As demand for employment in one of the world’s fastest growing industries increases, ACDA is branching out to promote aviation education courses to all ages – from junior high school through to adults. Furthermore, by strengthening ties with affiliates on the Mainland, ACDA is well positioned to source students from China and take advantage of the growth in aviation employment opportunities in that county.


因應全球飛行機師荒,為協助國內航空公司儲備飛行機師人力資源。航發協會與澳洲國立SCU (南十字星大學)和Airways Aviation (航空飛行學校)締結策略聯盟。

  • 澳洲國立大學在台辦事處
  • 南昆士蘭大學(University of Southern Queensland)
  • 南十字星大學(University of Southern Cross)
  • 澳洲航空飛行學校(Airways Aviation)
  • 澳洲航空科技學院(Aviation Australia)
  • 美國飛行學校(PSA)
  • 加拿大國際證照學校

*協助台灣學員以3 年時間同時取得ICAO國際認可/台灣民航局認可  商用飛行證照與澳洲國立大學學歷。


We offer a wide range of services to meet every type of business.









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